Our mission - to support people living with or affected by hiv in barnsley

Friday 13 November 2009

News UPDATES - The world strives forward with barak at the helm.

The Government’s consultation on the Green Paper No one written off: reforming welfare to reward responsibility.

Like other organisations +me commends the Government’s commitment to ensure disabled people have the additional support they need to get back into employment if they are sufficiently well to do so.
However, concerns about the new conditionality that accompanies this additional support, particularly because of the unique difficulties faced by people living with HIV. It is important to consider these difficulties within the disability framework as the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 defined people living with HIV as disabled from the point of diagnosis.
The reforms are likely to have serious consequences for people living with HIV. The
DWP website notes that 1.3% of the population claim Jobseekers Allowance and 3.7% claim Incapacity Benefit. However, a study carried out of people living with HIV in London found that the rates of claiming benefit amongst people living with HIV were significantly higher.
HIV in the new October 2009 - Following the announcement of detailed analysis of the phase III Thai HIV vaccine trial, Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT, comments;
"The Thai trial is a milestone in the search for a vaccine against HIV.  Detailed analysis shows that the benefit was modest and primarily in the heterosexual community. However, it remains the case that this was the first ever vaccine candidate to show protection in humans.
These results are an incredible opportunity for scientists to discover new clues about HIV and learn how a HIV vaccine could work in practise.  These lessons will be used to advance new vaccine candidates that are already in the development pipeline.
Today work to get treatment to people with HIV is vital, but we also have a responsibility to future generations to continue investing in developing an effective vaccine that will end the HIV pandemic." 

HIV in the news November 2009 - President Barack Obama has announced that the 22 year old ban on allowing people living with HIV into the United States will be lifted.  HIV infection will be officially removed from the definition of communicable diseases of public health significance as of January 1st, 2010.
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT (National AIDS Trust) said;
 "We are delighted by today's announcement. NAT has long campaigned for the lifting of travel restrictions. A recent NAT research study1 identified restrictions on travelling overseas as the biggest limitation faced at work by people living with HIV in the UK. This decision will make an enormous difference to the lives of many HIV positive people and is a real step forward for equality." 
Sex and Relationships Education as part of the National Curriculum
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE education) will be made compulsory in schools from September 2011. Ed Balls has confirmed that personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education) including sex and relationships education, will be made compulsory in schools from September 2011.

So to get you in the mood weve added a little music click the link , kick ya heels and book your trip!!